My good friend Karl helped me to see the blogger light. I had to go back and do some clean up....but i did and now i am all set. One thing, i have become so lazy when it comes to capitolizing my "I"s when referring to myself. Also, the first letter of each sentence is another challenge. I have WORD and with it comes "Auto Correct" other words, it fixes all my goofs. I dont have to spell correctly, i dont have to punctuate properly becasue it does it all for me. I find when I use the computers at school or at the library, or anywhere for that matter, I have to really be careful because it doesnt correct my goofs for me.
I have what I call "Typlexia". I swap letters in words like "Have" and "That" and so many others. They awlasy (there, that's an example right tehre...oops and there too). I write 'Hvae" and "Taht" without fail. So, i went in and put those words in my "Auto correct" so I never have to worry about it. Well.... if i am going to be a successful blogger, I need to be a good typist and stop being lazy. So, i am goign to do just that. I see a 'spell check" and sometimes it is just easier to go back and correct the mistakes at the end of the piece, rather than doing it all while i am writing.
We will see. I am mad at myself becasue instead of writing in my books I have been working on, (Not working on would be a more correct term) I am writing in these useless, waste of time one is going to read this. I hope everyone is going to read my books, if i ever get them written, then published.
I have great ideas. I wont go into any details because if what Karl said is true, someone could come in here, read my ideas and then get to it faster than i do and write MY book. Now, i know no one would or could write 'my story'. But i do have two other ideas for a great book/movie and those could easily be stolen.
Ok, that's all for now. I am going to go tanning.