As Susan Sees It

The life and times of one of the worlds most wasted talent. Susan Annette Martin professional "Couldabeen". On her way to conquer absolutely NOTHING and enjoying every minute of it. Share in her exploits, her death defying, life altering experiences moment by nail biting moment. Hang on, buckle're in for a very non bumpy, smooth as silk ride.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Well, I have been given the low down on all Blogger ettiquette. Having never used one of these, I had no idea that I was not supposed to use last names or be too literal. This is, after all, a public forum and I need to temper my urge to be brutally honest. This is NOT my own personal diary and people have access to this.
My good friend Karl helped me to see the blogger light. I had to go back and do some clean up....but i did and now i am all set. One thing, i have become so lazy when it comes to capitolizing my "I"s when referring to myself. Also, the first letter of each sentence is another challenge. I have WORD and with it comes "Auto Correct" other words, it fixes all my goofs. I dont have to spell correctly, i dont have to punctuate properly becasue it does it all for me. I find when I use the computers at school or at the library, or anywhere for that matter, I have to really be careful because it doesnt correct my goofs for me.
I have what I call "Typlexia". I swap letters in words like "Have" and "That" and so many others. They awlasy (there, that's an example right tehre...oops and there too). I write 'Hvae" and "Taht" without fail. So, i went in and put those words in my "Auto correct" so I never have to worry about it. Well.... if i am going to be a successful blogger, I need to be a good typist and stop being lazy. So, i am goign to do just that. I see a 'spell check" and sometimes it is just easier to go back and correct the mistakes at the end of the piece, rather than doing it all while i am writing.
We will see. I am mad at myself becasue instead of writing in my books I have been working on, (Not working on would be a more correct term) I am writing in these useless, waste of time one is going to read this. I hope everyone is going to read my books, if i ever get them written, then published.
I have great ideas. I wont go into any details because if what Karl said is true, someone could come in here, read my ideas and then get to it faster than i do and write MY book. Now, i know no one would or could write 'my story'. But i do have two other ideas for a great book/movie and those could easily be stolen.

Ok, that's all for now. I am going to go tanning.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

ok, here it is. i was looking for this for a long time. It is April 26th, 2009. I dont have anything to say so I am going to go now but i just wanted to find this again. Thanks Karl