As Susan Sees It

The life and times of one of the worlds most wasted talent. Susan Annette Martin professional "Couldabeen". On her way to conquer absolutely NOTHING and enjoying every minute of it. Share in her exploits, her death defying, life altering experiences moment by nail biting moment. Hang on, buckle're in for a very non bumpy, smooth as silk ride.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I am new to this and I have just read "V"'s critique on the movie "Alone in the Dark". It was hysterical and well...very accurate. Who is this person "V"? And how come he isn't a professional movie critic? Or maybe they already are one. I dont' know the sex of this person so I am referring to them as "they" "it" or any other ambigous term used when referring to a person of unknown origin.
I am not a regular "blogger" and have found my own personal diaries to be just fine in the past, for writing down my feelings about things. I am also a notorious "Letter to the Editor" person, having had over 30 letters to the editor published in these last 10 years. I love having my opinions being published for all to see. "All" meaning those living in Snohomish County, Washington State.
Ok, well, that is it for now. I hope to be back, and I would love to have "V" contact me so we could discuss other movies. He or she has the same sardonic wit as I do and I love that...Bwaaaahahahahaha....loved that.. As for his opinion of Tara Ried being able to play anything but a dim witted, dumb brunette gone blonde with escaping mammories....he nailed her so accurately, top dead center, full tilt boogie right on.

Peace, out...
Susan ooops.. I mean "Sploozy"...